Saturday, 29 December 2012

Mission Accomplished

We now find ourselves in those weird inbetween days between Christmas and New Year, when you're not sure whether to rest and recuperate or to continue celebrating for the whole period. In a similar way I have been between blogs.
From the new year I will be blogging here James Bessant Writing and as such this will be the last post in this blog. You would be forgiven for thinking that I had forgotten about it anyway, but  other things have come into the way since the wedding. Namely continued landlord problems, but more happily the news that next Spring I will become a father...scary! But also exciting.
So why is this post titled so? Well, the clue is in the title of my blog.

 The photos above were taken the day after the wedding, of my new wife and some of her family playing cricket in the garden. Admittedly all we had was a tennis ball and plank of wood, and a tree for the stumps, but all the same, here is proof that I have managed to teach the swedes cricket! See you on the new blog...