Well, there might be a bit of radio silence for a little while since my girlfriend comes into the country today. But to keep you going I thought I'd add a couple of interesting links that I've come across lately.
I watched a programme called The Bubble recently, a new bbc show where the celebrity contestants are hidden away for a few days before then asked whether they think certain news reports are real or fake. It was a fun programme, and the first one starred Frank Skinner, Victoria Coren and Reginald D Hunter. While watching it I couldn't help noticing that there seemed to be some closeness between VC and RDH (not just the fact that they were sitting together). I decided to explore this idea further and came across VC's blog page. Turns out to be an interesting one, she also plays Poker apparently, so here's Victoria's blog.
Next up is a site that I came across rather randomly (I was checking out the location of the River Fleet, so go figure), and it's Michael Palin's travel site. I'm a big fan of his, even saw a live show with him last summer, and as an amateur traveller myself his shows and books have an inspiration. So his travel webpage is a kind of internet heaven. I haven't checked it all out yet, but the great thing is that you can read all of his travel books online. I think I'll be here a while.
Finally some music, and this is via spotify, Doctor Who - Series 3. The soundtrack album from the series. I've always loved the show, time travel has a kind of fascination for me, all those what ifs? But I saw "Blink" the other day, which is a great (and award winning) episode, which starred Carey Mulligan (who I hadn't actually heard of until a week ago when she herself won an award). Strange how things work out like that. Anyway, if you can, watch it...and remember...keep reading this site...don't, whatever you do...blink!
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