Thursday, 5 January 2012

Plans and Banquets

Moving forward with wedding plans today, although a backward step with having the engagement ring resized.  My fiancee won't have it for at least four weeks now and she's disappointed.  Even after just a week she's gotten used to having it on her, albeit wrong, finger since it kept sliding off the right one.
However been checking out paper for possible use in invitations and various other leaflets required.  I think it has only just dawned on us both how many little things there are to organising a wedding; we do have some ideas for gifts though.
Visited the Banqueting House, the last remaining part of the original Whitehall Palace, and dating back to the early 1600's.  The best way to describe it is sugary, like an over-iced cupcake, with it's Reubens ceiling, columns and balcony.  Also the throne and canopy looked like it hadn't been dusted since Charles II became King.  You can actually hire the place for functions, but after careful consideration is probably slightly out of our price range...donations anyone?
Finally have our 2012 calendars too...a His 'n' Hers with columns for us both...anyone would think we were already married!


  1. Are you getting married in England?

  2. No, in Sweden. The reference to the Banqueting House was more of a joke really since it would be SO much out of our price range ;o)
